Silent Retreat: 

Quiet Day: Autumn Retreat

Date and Venue to be arranged for November

The Day

The day begins at 9.00 am. and ends at 4.00 pm

10.00  Welcome and Invocation to Meditation

             We spend the day in silence: sitting meditation; walking meditation. reading.

             There will be a feedback discussion at the end of the day up to the time we close at 5.00 pm.

              We have yet to confirm the venue.

If you have any suggestions about the structure of the day please get in touch and let us know. You can contact any of the facilitators or come to one of the Sanghas Coffee and Catch-up mornings (see

Please reserve my Early Bird place on this New Beginnings Retreat. 

 Pay on Arrival: £25

Once the Form has been received you will receive an email Confirmation letter. Further and more specific details of the Retreat will be sent out just prior to the event